Unlock Your Child’s Motor Skills with a Fun Montessori Activity: Wet Pouring (Liquids)

As a parent, you want your child to develop and achieve their full potential. One way to do this is by focusing on their motor skills, which are essential for their overall growth and development. There are many activities that can help your child improve their motor skills and one of them is Wet Pouring (Liquids), a fun Montessori activity that is both engaging and educational. In this blog post, we will explore the benefits of this activity and how it can unlock your child’s motor skills in a fun and interactive way. So, let’s dive in and discover how Wet Pouring (Liquids) can help your child reach their full potential!

Wet Pouring (Liquids)

Suitable Age: 3+


  • A tray consisting of 2 pitchers:
    • One pitcher contains water or colored water
    • One pitcher empty
  • A small sponge
  • A placemat and a piece of paper towel for water activities

Direct Aim:

  • Pouring water from one jug to another independently

Indirect Aim:

  • Hand/finger muscle refinement
  • Concentration
  • Hand-eye coordination
  • Independence

Presentation/ Child instruction: 

Unlock Your Child's Motor Skills with a Fun Montessori Activity: Wet Pouring (Liquids)
Unlock Your Child’s Motor Skills with a Fun Montessori Activity: Wet Pouring (Liquids)
  1. Invite the child to pick up the containers and the sponge from the tray and show her where to place them on the paper towel.
  2. Then slowly pick up the pitcher containing the water and carefully lift it up, slightly above the second pitcher, allowing the pouring spout to be as close as possible to the spout of the second container without touching it. Try to avoid movement of the arm/elbow while pouring the water into the second container.
  3. Once the water has been poured into the second pitcher, pick up the sponge with the opposite hand and hold it to the spout (in order to prevent drops along the side of the pitcher) as the spout is slowly brought back to its original place on the paper towel.
  4. Once completed, slowly replace the containers allowing the pitcher of water to be on the right side of the empty pitchers
  5. Offer the child a chance to pour the water.

Point of interest:

The colored water and pouring liquids

Control of Error: 

  • Moving the arm or lifting the elbow too high when pouring
  • Spouts touching
  • Spilling water
  • Forgetting sequence or materials ( paper towel/placemat)

>> Read more: Unlock Your Child’s Motor Skills with a Fun Montessori Activity: Pouring to the Line

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