Unlock Your Child’s Motor Skills with a Fun Montessori Activity: Pronative and Supination (Squeezing a Sponge)

As parents, we are always looking for ways to help our children develop and grow. One important aspect of a child’s development is their motor skills. Motor skills refer to the ability to control movement, and they are essential for a child’s physical and cognitive development. Luckily, there are many fun and engaging activities that can help unlock your child’s motor skills, and one of these activities is the Montessori technique of pronation and supination. In this blog post, we will explore how squeezing a sponge can help develop your child’s motor skills, and how you can incorporate this activity into your child’s daily routine. So, let’s dive in and learn more about this exciting Montessori activity!

Pronation and Supination (Squeezing a Sponge)

Suitable Age: 3 1/2+


  • A tray
  • 2 bowls
  • 1 jug
  • 2 sponges
  • a hand towel
  • a placemat
  • a piece of paper towel
  • a bucket for water activities

Direct Aim:

  • To absorb water in the sponge and squeeze the water from the sponge independently

Indirect Aim:

  • Refining of the muscles in the hand
  • Concentration
  • Hand-eye coordination
  • Independence
  • Sequence from left to right
  • Wrist rotation

Presentation/ Child instruction: 

Unlock Your Child's Motor Skills with a Fun Montessori Activity: Pronative and Supination (Squeezing a Sponge)
Unlock Your Child’s Motor Skills with a Fun Montessori Activity: Pronative and Supination (Squeezing a Sponge)
  1. Once seated, remove the pitcher from the tray and invite the child to fill the jug with water (to the line).
  2. When she has returned with the pitcher of water, you may indicate to the child to pour the water into the bowl on the left side (the child will know at this point to pick up the small sponge before pouring the water and how to use it).
  3. Pick up the larger sponge and place it palm down inside the bowl of water, making sure to soak the sponge thoroughly.
  4. Now that you have soaked the sponge with water, raise the sponge in the palm of your hand and turn upwards (supination) and slowly move your hand to the other bowl and put your palm face down squeezing the water from the sponge and into the bowl (pronation).
  5. After a couple of turns, you may invite the child to try.
  6. The child will continue to follow this procedure until she has removed all the water from the original bowl and it has transferred to the second bowl.
  7. Ask the child if she would like to do the activity again.
  8. If the child declines, show her that she can dry her hands using the towel provided and ask her to empty the excess water into the bucket. The child will also use the towel to dry the 2 bowls and any excess water which may have dropped.
  9. Have the child arrange the items back on the tray in their original condition, except for the towel. It should be placed inside the laundry basket, and replaced with a clean towel. She can also empty the water from the bucket.
speezing a sponge

Point of interest:

  • The sponge soaking up the water, the special bowls, and using water

Control of Error: 

  • Spilling water
  • Difficulty performing complete wrist rotation (without moving the whole arm)
  • Difficulty throwing the used towel in the laundry and replacing it with a clean towel.
  • Forgetting the order
  • Difficulty completing the activity

>> Read more: Unlock Your Child’s Motor Skills with a Fun Montessori Activity: Using a Whisk

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