Teach Your Child Responsibility and Boost Confidence with this Simple Daily Task: Dusting

As parents, we all want our children to grow up to be responsible and confident individuals. It can be challenging to find ways to teach these important life skills, but one simple daily task that can make a big impact is dusting. Not only does it help keep the house clean, but it also gives children a sense of responsibility and accomplishment. In this blog post, we’ll explore the benefits of dusting as a daily task for children and how it can help them develop important skills for the future.


Suitable Age: 2 1/2+


  • Cotton cloth and “sediments”

Direct Aim:

  • To dust independently

Indirect Aim:

  • Following a sequence (making the mitt)
  • Concentration
  • Hand-eye coordination
  • Independence
  • A far preparation for geology lessons

Presentation/ Child instruction: 

Teach Your Child Responsibility and Boost Confidence with this Simple Daily Task: Dusting
Teamwork family cleaning home with colored mops
  1. Show the child where to find a cloth in the classroom, and invite her to take the cloth.
  2. Take the child to a table, once seated open the cloth and place it in a diamond shape on the table. Place your hand in the center of the cloth with your palm facing upwards.
  3. First, grasp the top corner of the cloth and place it in the palm of your hand that is situated on the cloth. Next, take the corners (from each side, one at a time) and place them in the palm of your hand, holding the folded top and corners with your thumb.
  4. Once the folding is complete, slowly fold your hand to hold the dust cloth in place and invite the child to follow you back to the sediments. Slowly begin to dust various things such as a window ledge, shelves, activities, etc… where you have seen sediments.
  5. Invite the child to continue. Go back to the table and give the child the cloth and allow her to make a mitt to dust. When she is done dusting, show her your surprise and amazement at all the sediments she has found on the cloth and how beautiful and shiny everything is that she has dusted.
  6. Show her to place the dirty cloth into the laundry hamper.

Point of interest:

  • The shiny classroom, looking for sediments, doing what an adult does

Control of Error: 

  • Difficulty to fold the cloth into a mitt
  • Cloth becomes loose
  • Forgetting to place the cloth into the laundry hamper when done

>> Read more: Teach Your Child Responsibility and Boost Confidence with this Simple Daily Task: Sweeping

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