Teach Your Child Responsibility and Boost Confidence with this Simple Daily Task: Cleaning Mirrors and Glass

As parents, we all want our children to grow up with a strong sense of responsibility and confidence. However, it can be difficult to know where to start when it comes to teaching these important values. One simple and effective way to encourage responsibility and boost confidence in your child is by assigning them a daily task – Cleaning mirrors and glass. Not only is this task easy to do, but it also provides numerous benefits for your child’s development. In this blog, we’ll explore the value of assigning daily tasks and how cleaning mirrors and glass can be a great way to teach your child responsibility and confidence.

Cleaning Mirrors and Glass

Suitable Age: 3+


  • The tray consists of :
    • Cleaning fluid
    • A cloth
    • An apron
    • A placemat
  • A piece of paper towel for water activities

Direct Aim:

  • To clean a mirror or glass object independently

Indirect Aim:

  • Refining of the muscles in the hand
  • Concentration
  • Hand-eye coordination
  • Fine motor skills
  • Order of sequence
cleaning glass

Presentation/ Child instruction: 

Teach Your Child Responsibility and Boost Confidence with this Simple Daily Task: Cleaning Mirrors and Glass
Teach Your Child Responsibility and Boost Confidence with this Simple Daily Task: Cleaning Mirrors and Glass
  1. Show the child where to find the materials on the shelf and invite her to carry the tray to her work table. Have her prepare the table for a water activity. Remove your apron from the tray and put it on. Invite the child to put on her apron, helping her if needed.
  2. Once the tray has been placed on the table, invite the child to choose a glass object or mirror from the classroom, and bring it to the table.
  3. Once seated, invite the child to remove the items from the tray and display them in the order of the activity on the placemat.
  4. Invite the child to open the bottle of cleaning fluid and indicate for her to place two drops on the item (mirror/glass).
  5. Show the child to make a mitt; using the cloth (the child will be familiar with the mitt). At this point, begin moving your hand in circular motions, allowing the cloth to spread the cleaning fluid all over the item. Continue with the same circular motion allowing the cloth to absorb any excess fluid that remains visible.
  6. Give the child an opportunity to clean a different item she chooses from the environment, using the same process.
  7. Once the child has cleaned her item, invite her to clean another item independently. If the child declines, invite her to place the dirty cloth in the laundry basket and replace it with a clean one, and then return the tray back to its original place on the shelf.
  8. Invite the child to clean a mirror or glass any time she chooses.

Point of interest:

  • The cleaning fluid, the shininess of the item once cleaned, doing something an adult does

Control of Error: 

  • Spraying (or placing) too much/not enough fluid
  • Forgetting to make the mitt
  • Forgetting to replace the dirty cloth with a clean one
  • Spilling the cleaning fluid

>> Read more: Teach Your Child Responsibility and Boost Confidence with this Simple Daily Task: Folding Napkins and Clothes

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