Unlock Your Child’s Motor Skills with a Fun Montessori Activity: Locks and Keys

As parents, we all know how important it is to help our children develop their motor skills. From crawling to walking, and eventually running, every milestone is crucial for their overall development. But what if we told you there’s a fun Montessori activity that can help unlock your child’s motor skills? It’s simple, engaging, and provides endless hours of fun. Keep reading to find out more about this activity that can benefit your child’s development in so many ways.

Locks and Keys

Suitable Age: 3+


  • A tray
  • 1 small rolled mat
  • 3-6 different size locks
  • 6-8 keys attached to a ribbon
    • 3-6 keys will fit the locks plus 2-3 additional to add a challenge

Direct Aim:

  • To unlock a lock using a key independently

Indirect Aim:

  • Refined movement of the muscles in the hand
  • Concentration
  • Hand-eye coordination
  • Independence
  • Order of sequence
different locks

Presentation/ Child instruction: 

Unlock Your Child's Motor Skills with a Fun Montessori Activity: Locks and Keys
Unlock Your Child’s Motor Skills with a Fun Montessori Activity: Locks and Keys
  1. Once seated, the child can remove the mat from the tray, place it in front, and unroll it.
  2. After the mat has been unrolled, the teacher-guide will reach for the first lock and place it on the mat on the top left side.
  3. Reach for the first key in the tray. Slowly pick up the key, making sure not to block the visibility of the child, and try to fit the key in the first lock. If the key does not fit/open the first lock, continue with the remaining keys, until all keys have been tried or the lock opens.
  4. If the key opens the lock, bring the child’s attention to the sound that is made as it unlocks, you will then remove the key from the latch and place the key directly in front of the lock on the mat. If the key does not fit any of the locks, then you may place the key to aside.
  5. Invite the child if to try with the other locks, repeating this process.
  6. Once all locks have been opened, slowly pick up the first lock (on the left) and then re-lock it. Be sure to bring attention to the sound that is made when it is locked. Then invite the child to continue with the other locks.
  7. Once all the locks have been re-locked, begin to place the locks back onto the tray one at a time. Be sure to give the child an opportunity to assist.
  8. Place the locks and keys back on the tray in the same manner and invite the child to roll up the mat and place it back onto the tray. Invite the child to try again if she wishes.
locks and keys

Point of interest:

  • The various locks and keys and the noise made when unlocking/locking

Control of Error: 

  • Difficulty fitting the proper key to the lock
  • Unable to open the locks
  • Incompletion of the task
  • Difficulty following the sequence

>> Read more: Unlock Your Child’s Motor Skills with a Fun Montessori Activity: Nuts and Bolts

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