Everything you need to know about your growing 18-month-old

As your little one approaches 18 months old, you may start to notice some exciting changes happening. From their emerging personality to the new skills they’re developing, it’s a time of growth and discovery for both of you. But with all of these changes come new questions and concerns. That’s why we’ve put together a comprehensive guide to help you navigate this exciting time in your child’s life. Whether it’s learning about their language development or understanding their emotional milestones, we’ve got you covered. So sit back, relax, and get ready to learn everything you need to know about your growing 18-month-old.

Everything you need to know about your growing 18-month-old
Everything you need to know about your growing 18-month-old

Social and emotional milestones of 18-month-old

Some of the ways you’ll see your little one learning to connect with the people around her at 18 months:

  • May be afraid of strangers but will show affection to familiar people.
  • Points to show interest in something.
  • Likes to play by handing things to people or playing simple pretend.
  • May have some tantrums.
  • Might cling to caregivers in new situations or explore alone but with a parent close by.

Tips for Parents

  • Create joint play opportunities with your toddler. 
  • Praise your toddler when she shows signs of empathy by sharing her toy, taking care of toys, or giving a caring gesture to others. All of these things help support social and emotional development.

Language and communication milestones at 18 months


How your toddler is expressing his needs:

  • Shakes his head “No.”
  • Can say several single words. 
  • Points to show what he wants.

Tips for Parents

  • Pay attention to what your toddler is pointing to and make it a language development opportunity by naming the object he is pointing to. 

Brain development milestones at 18 months


How your child’s brain is growing:

  • She recognizes everyday objects.
  • Points to get attention.
  • Pretends to feed her favorite stuffed animals.
  • Can point to a body part. 
  • Can follow one-step commands without gestures.

Tips for Parents

  • Provide your toddler with toys for pretend play.

Movement and physical development milestones at 18 months


How he’ll move through his environment:

  • Can walk alone.
  • Can help undress himself.
  • Uses utensils when feeding.
  • May start walking upstairs.
  • Pulls toys while walking. 

Tips for Parents

  • Encourage your child to participate in everyday routines like getting dressed.

Food and nutrition milestones at 18 months


What mealtimes look like at 18 months:

  • Tries more chopped solid foods like chicken or squash. 
  • Can hold and drink from a cup.

Tips for Parents

  • Give her plenty of time to eat. She will be able to eat most of the same foods as adults and more easily uses utensils.

Things to look out for


While all children develop differently, you should speak to your pediatrician if your 18-month-old:

  • Can’t walk.
  • Doesn’t point.
  • Doesn’t try to copy others.
  • Isn’t learning new words?
  • Can’t say at least six words.
  • Doesn’t notice when a parent leaves or returns.
  • Loses skills he once had. 

>> Read more: Everything you need to know about your growing 1-year-old

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